Today more than ever, people understand the wisdom of planning ahead by taking out insurance policies, setting aside savings and making out a will. Advance planning for a memorial is no different. In each case, it’s the wisdom of planning now to make sure the future won’t be so uncertain. It’s guaranteed peace of mind.
Looking for solid reasons to start the pre-planning process today? We’ve got 10 of them:
1. Make pre-planning a joint decision.
You and your partner have made all of life’s major decisions together — from buying a house to choosing where to send the kids to college. It stands to reason then that one of your most enduring decisions should also be made together. “We talked about planning together, but we just never got around to it”—these are words our Rock of Ages retailers hear time and again from surviving spouses and other family members.
2. It completes your estate planning.
Purchasing your memorial is the final piece of your estate planning puzzle, but many people don’t realize this and leave the task to loved ones after they’re gone. By planning your memorial in advance, you can avoid ending up with a memorial that does not reflect you or the life you’ve lived.
3. Ensures your memorial reflects your personal preferences.
You choose the home you live in and the car you drive to reflect your personal tastes. So doesn’t it make sense to bring the same attention to the memorial that reflects your life, your interests, your beliefs, your heritage and your accomplishments for years to come?
4. Your heirs won’t be left guessing.
Your heirs can only guess your wishes so a modest amount of planning can help prevent burdening them with selecting your memorial. It also helps avoid the possibility of disputes and delays by making your intentions clear.
5. Your insurance will fulfill its intended purpose.
By paying for your memorial out of your current income, you have peace of mind knowing that your estate, savings and insurance fund will go towards what you intended: providing for those you love most.
6. The decision won’t be made at an emotional time.
Why place more stress on your family during a time of loss? Not only may they find it difficult to think clearly about your wishes, but they may overlook such issues as quality and craftsmanship and the soundness of a strong guarantee. By focusing on pre-planning your memorial now, you can then focus on spending time with family and planning your funeral, cemetery services or at-home memorial services.
7. No matter what happens, your memorial will be taken care of.
Pre-purchase is your guarantee against life’s uncertainties. No one can predict the future, and potential financial troubles can delay memorial purchases by families, sometimes indefinitely. Disagreements can have the same effect. By pre-purchasing, you guarantee that you will be memorialized the way you want to be.
8. Plan now, for you and your family’s peace of mind.
Rock of Ages provides the strongest written guarantee that your memorial will last forever. The famed Rock of Ages Round Seal Warranty explicitly states that Rock of Ages Corporation will repair or replace without charge any granite part of your memorial should that part prove defective in a way attributable to our granite or workmanship. If loved ones move away, our warranty extends to the cemetery and a substantial trust fund ensures that we can meet this warranty forever on our Rock of Ages Sealmark and Signature memorials.
9. A Rock of Ages memorial is easier to afford than ever.
Buy your memorial now and take advantage of today's pricing. Everything goes up - including cemetery memorials. Pre-planning is a guaranteed way to lock in today's prices. Your memorial can easily be moved if you relocate to a new home later in life.
10. It only takes a little time.
Working with an Authorized Rock of Ages Retailer allows you to quickly complete your estate planning and gain the peace of mind that your memorial comes bearing the Rock of Ages seal. Find a Authorized Rock of Ages retailer near you.
When you decide you’re ready, you’ll have help you can trust from an experienced memorial counselor who can guide you through the decision making process.
For headstone designs for couples and individuals, download the Granite Headstone Style Guide.